Eat Mindfully Book

Eat Mindfully Book – Finding Peace with Food

My Eat Mindfully book is about the love and appreciation of ourselves, our bodies and the food we put into them. It’s about breaking away from dieting and obsessive thoughts about which foods are ‘fattening’ and learning to rediscover the joy of eating. Eating without over-eating, eating without guilt, eating mindfully.

After years of dieting, I developed an eating disorder. Through the guidance of many teachers and much soul searching, I found peace with food, eating, my body and myself. My methods were unconventional, but had a deeply healing effect in my life. I lost more than 20 kilograms and have kept it off for more than 25 years now. I weaves my personal story throughout the book to illustrate my healing journey and to help guide you to healing your own relationship with food and eating.

Paperback available to buy at your local Amazon or on Amazon Kindle.

Eat Mindfully Book

Sign-up to my free online Eat Mindfully course on Udemy to learn more about Mindful Eating and how it can assist you in overcoming overeating.

Eat Mindfully – Reviews

“You have an amazing powerful story to tell and your book will bring healing and help those who struggle with guilt… You have given an amazing gift to the world… You have been truly inspiring… You blessed me. More than you will ever know.”

– Dinisha Sigamoney, Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)

“Wow, your book is just what I needed to read right now… I started reading it with the impression that it doesn’t really apply to me cause I don’t have an eating disorder and I’m not in a diet cycle… HA! Think again Mr Taylor. We all have different ways of covering our discontent.”

– Jeremy Taylor, Sports & Remedial Massage Therapist

“I just finished reading your book. Wauw! It’s the same feeling as I had after your Mindful Eating workshops. I’m inspired!… Great job of yours, to give such a large amount of information, that at the end of the book, I don’t doubt anything you’ve written… It’s all been explained very well and easy to read. I think you will make a lot of people very happy when they read your book ( hopefully just as happy as I got). Just to stop focusing on dieting, losing weight, being unhappy about yourself… Well, as you can read, I LOVED YOUR BOOK! ”

– Eline Berger, Registered Dietician

“Thank you so, so much for the utterly beautiful book – which I read over the course of two nights, and feel as if I want to start re-reading it right away, as it’s so packed with wisdom and truths that really hit home…Congratulations too, on doing this amazing thing, and doing it so well and so honestly, and with so much compassion and clarity. I am blown away.”

– Riekie Human, Freelance Writer, Editor & Translator

“Bronwen, you have outdone yourself. It seems as though I’m reading a channeled piece of work… I love how personal it is. It feels as though you’re sitting across from me, talking to me… It is truly a wonder of a book.”

– Charlene Yared-West, Freelance Writer & Editor, Hypnobirthing Practitioner.

“For the first time in about 6 years I feel like i have permission to do what I feel is right for my body. I’ve tossed all the diets and fear and i’ve (only been 3 days) begun this journey of listening to my body and ONLY eating when i feel hungry. It seems ridiculous – what a freedom. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Further more, the eastern-tint and the information as well as your easy conversational style really feels like it’s written for me. GOSH!!”

– Bev Victor-Campbell, Publisher

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